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[ Vadim Kotelnikov ]   Created: 4/4/09   Closing date: 5/31/09

Financial Crisis Management ProgramsYes, the global financial crisis is a problem. But it we look at it as a problem only, it will remain a problem for a long time. So, let's stop focusing on the problem.

Every probelm is general, and the financial crisis in particular, brings new great opportunities for entrepreneurs and businesses. Let's discover them!

Crisis is a great change catalyst. It decreases change resistance that is high otherwise. Leaders start looking for change, followers start expecting change.

[ Vadim Kotelnikov ] 4/4/09 Add a comment
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Doing More With LessMost companies underutilize greately their resources and capabilities. They can do much more with much less. The world's leading companies in America, Asia and Europe succeed because they utilize their resources and capabilities, especially human resources and people power, far better then their less successful competitors.

The financial crisis shakes up minds of business leaders. It's a great opportunity to many of them to switch to leaner organizations and processes, increase efficiency and start doing more with less.

It's Easy To Start

Such efficiency improvement methods as Quick and Easy Kaizen and Work-Out are easy to initiate. The very first experiments will produce great results.

When you master these processes and establish a continuous improvement mindset (Kaizen Mindset) in your organization, the results will be tremendous. You'll start doing much more with mich less.

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[ Vadim Kotelnikov ] 5/4/09 Add a comment

Konosuke MatsushitaMost businessmen are happy as long as the economy is growing, but when recession sets in they grumble.

Konosuke Matsushita had an idiosyncratic view of the meaning of good times. During prosperous times," he would say, "you move along at a gallop; in times of recession, you saunter at a leisurely pace. When you're galloping, you haven't got time to look around you, so you don't notice any problem. But when your pace slackens, you can see everything in all directions, and if you notice something wrong you have time to fit it." In other words, even a slump has its merits. When sales are down because of a sluggish market, you can attend to after-sales service more throughly than you could before, or perhaps put more effort into training personnel. If you are willing to make this kind of effort during the bad times, even a recession becomes a rare and welcome opportunity.

See also: 10 Corporate Management Lessons from Konosuke Matsushita

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