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[ Alexey Bebik ]   Created: 12/22/10   Closing date: 1/21/11
Market size: Large (> 10,000,000 people)    Investments required: Small (< US$50,000)
Expert rating 6.6
Public rating 6.43

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I can find smoking or non smoking people in any groop of people. It's because of their smell.Why couldn't we invent pack of cigaretts with gum in one case. For example when you buy cigaretts you allways need to buy gum. It's not usefull to have 2 pack instead 1.

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[ Victoria Kozlova ] 12/31/10
Expert rating 7.5
Public rating 7.33

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I propose to enhance the Alexey's idea by packaging cigarettes with a special nicotine neutralizing gum that is better for both health and odor elimination. I believe, such value-added product would be more welcomed by the market. Besides, due to its health benefits, a financial support from health authorities could be sought to make this product more financially attractive to the customers.

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Cigarettes packaged with a nicotine-neutralizing gum
  Victoria Kozlova 7.33 12/31/10
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