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[ Vadim Kotelnikov ]   Created: 9/22/20   Closing date: 10/22/20
Market size: Large (> 10,000,000 people)    Investments required: Medium (< US$5,000,000)
Expert rating 8.33
Public rating 8.33

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Top Rated

[ Dennis Kotelnikov ] 9/30/20
Expert rating 9
Public rating 9


Problem Addressed
New contacts created in traditional entertainment-focused cafes and through social networks are skin-deep.


People find soulmates much easier and connect at much deeper levels when they address creative challenges jointly thus revealing their very nature − passions, dreams, interests, values...

Problem Adressed

New contacts created in traditional entertainment-focused cafes and through social networks are skin-deep.


An innovative cafe 'Soulmates' helps its guests to find true soulmates by conducting challenge-based joyful creative activities jointly.

Creative Challenges

HOMEWORK: Some Creative Challenges are given in advance. Some guests arrive with ready-to-show creative solutions. They inform the organisers in advance that they have a creative solution to demonstrate. The program starts with a warm-up session during which these pre-registered guests showcase their creative solutions.


Organisers offer their guests a choice of Creative Challenges to address. 

Creative Groups

Each guest joins the group formed to address the Creative Challenge of his or her choice.

Guests address fun-full Creative Challenges joyfully. In response to given Creative Challenges they create what they like to and what they are best at: drawings, music, song, dance, verse, story, artistic performance.

During this exercise, guest connect at deeper levels, make friends, invent and design joint projects. 


Joyful show of creative solutions enhances the atmosphere of fun, togetherness and friendship.

Diversification Strategies

+ Virtual Extension: virtual groups can be formed and participate online.

+ IT-powered soulmate finder

+ Design and franchising of expertise-specific 'Soulmate' cafes


Marketing Slogans: 'Find a soulmate', 'Connect at a deeper level'

Joyful Song: a popular joyful viral marketing song and 'Sudden Love' about two souls who found each other in the 'Soulmate' cafe is composed and promoted. The videoclip of the song features guests of 'Soulmate' cafe; a new version of the clips featuring new guests is created every month.

Stories: joyful and entertaining 'Soulmate' stories − written and videos − by both professional authors and by happy beneficiaries are published in social medias.

Franchising: Creative franchising for diverse locations, social groups and cultures.

[ Michael Zelin ] 10/5/20
Expert rating 8.67
Public rating 8.67

Problem Addressed

More than 10 million students participate in Science Fairs just in the US. Many Science Fairs were canceled because of pandemic. An online portal for showcasing student projects could solve this problem  


Brand name:  Science Fairs Portal  - see a prototype ScienceFairs.org          

Product Vision: A portal for conducting Science Fairs online

Science Fairs Portal provides easy to use tools for creating online galleries with sub-galleries for different science categories, templates (see an example) and examples of student projects (see here), sponsors, archives, forms, and other resources significantly simplifying conducting Science Fairs online. Students projects are showcased in online galleries: information is preserved instead of being discarded as it is done now. 

Creative Marketing 

Value Mantra: Leverage Value of Student Work

Marketing Slogan: Celebrate Learning & Creativity!

Unique Selling Proposition (USP): Showcase your work online and get support

> Post projects online, build teams, and help sponsors to help you by adding their links to your Web pages

> Have fun and get rewards


Brand appeal: a unique easy to use set of tools for conducting and navigating online Science Fairs will attract teachers/organizers, students, parents, and general public. Direct marketing to schools and educational districts is combined with publications and presentations at educational conferences. Testimonials from happy students, teachers, sponsors and sponsored prizes are published in online galleries. 

Tree of discussion
Expand all Hide comments Sort by serious/humorous Author Rating Date
Cafe 'Soulmates'
  Dennis Kotelnikov 9 9/30/20
Wonderful invention, effective creative marketing strategies
  Ravi Bindra 9/30/20
Science Fairs Portal
  Michael Zelin 8.67 10/5/20
  Tawanda Sithole 8 10/5/20
EduKate - Offline
  Macmilan Murebwa 7.8 9/30/20
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