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[ Dragan Dejkovic ]   Created: 8/4/08   Closing date: 10/27/08
As soon as I invest in a currency or buy company shares, they go down practically forewver.
How could I turn this bad luck in a business opportunity?
[ Vadim Kotelnikov ] 8/5/08 Add a comment
Expert rating 8.75
Public rating 8.67

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You can sell this bad luck as a consultancy to those who wish to want a curency or company stock to go down. Make a contract with them, invest in a currency or a company stock they want to go down and charge a results-based commission.
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[ Vadim Kotelnikov ] 8/6/08 Add a comment
Expert rating 9.5
Public rating 9.5

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Alternatively you can ask companies to pay you a retainer fee for NOT investing in their stock. As long as they pay you the retainer fee, you don't buy their stock and companies flourish.
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Charge companies for NOT investing in their stock
Humorous Vadim Kotelnikov 9.5 8/6/08
Yes, I love this one better
Humorous Dragan Dejkovic 8/6/08
Could you train me?
Humorous Elena Dobrynchenko 8/6/08
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