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[ Elena Dobrynchenko ]   Created: 10/12/10   Closing date: 12/20/10
Area of improvement: Contests
Location: http://fun4biz.com/contestSUISubjects/default/id/112

At the moment, admin closes the suggestion ticket whenever he thinks he provided the correct answer. Yet the answer might not always be correct. (see the links above for an example). It a ticket is closed, the author of the improvement cannot reopen it or even make a further suggestion.

Expert rating 8.33
Public rating 8.33

Voting is completed

If a ticket has been closed, the author should be able to suggest an improvement that would automatically reopen the ticket.

This is actually the common practice.

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[ Vadim Kotelnikov ] 11/17/10 Add a comment

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Yes, this is VERY IMPORTANT!
  Vadim Kotelnikov 11/17/10
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