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[ Swetlana Mitina ]   Created: 1/16/10   Closing date: 3/2/10

We all live in stressful conditions and all of us need good sleeping. But more than a half of people in the world sleeps badly. Let's share your receipts! How to improve a quality of sleeping without medicaments?

[ Vadim Kotelnikov ] 1/30/10 Add a comment
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This simple methods works for me perfectly most of the time. When I go to bed I close my eyes and repeate the below five Reiki positive affirmations:

  1. Today I am filled with joy
  2. Today I am overflowing with tranquility
  3. Today I am exuberant with gratitude
  4. Today I live with integrity
  5. Today I am flowing  with kindness

Often I fall asleep before even saiying all the five affirmations. What's important  is to say these affirmations slowly and consciously. Live and enjoy each of them. These simple affirmations will lead you in the Reiki state, thus helping you fall asleep faster and sleep better.

For a better effect, I start every affirmation with "Thank you that...". (read more about 4 magic words here)

You can also read more about Reiki positive affirmations or "The Five Reiki Precepts" here, here, or here.

The five original Reiki principles are described here.

[ Anchali Hyapha ] 2/2/10 Add a comment

Yes, I love Reiki too! Why did you use this formulation of the five Reiki precepts, not the original one by Meiji emperor?

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[ Vadim Kotelnikov ] 2/7/10 Add a comment

Hi, Anchali.

Human mind doesn't understand "don't" because it cannot imagine "not doing" something. So positive affirmations are far more effective.

Enjoy more Positive Affirmations here. You can also download and install a screensaver with these positive affirmations.


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Positive Affirmations are more effective
  Vadim Kotelnikov 2/7/10
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