


6 Barriers To Creative Thinking and Innovation

Remove Blocks and Switch from Negative to Positive Thinking to Unlock Your Creativity


Adapted from Effective Innovation: How to Stay Ahead of the Competition, John Adair


          SMART INNOVATION (Ten3 Mini-course)


What prevents people from being creative or innovative?



Blocks and Limiting Beliefs

Switch To Positive Attitude

Negative Attitude

The tendency to focus on the negative aspects of problems and expend energy on worry.

Seek the inherent opportunities in the situation.

Fear of Failure

Fear of looking foolish or being laughed at.

Failure is a necessary condition of and a stepping stone to success.

Executive Stress

Not having time to think creatively. The over-stressed person finds it difficult to think objectively at all. Unwanted stress reduces the quality of all mental processes.

Long-term corporate success linked to the ability to innovate. Managing day-to-day operations is important, but it is new game changing breakthroughs that will launch company into new markets, enable rapid growth, and create high return on investment.

Following Rules

A tendency to conform to accepted patterns of belief or thought – the rules and limitations of the status quo – hampers creative breakthrough.

Some rules are necessary, but others encourage mental laziness. "Every act of creation is first of all an act of destruction." – Pablo Picasso

Making Assumptions

Many both conscious and unconscious assumptions restrict creative thinking.

Identify and examine the assumptions you are making to ensure they are not excluding new ideas. Challenge assumptions.

Over-reliance on Logic

Investing all your intellectual capital into logical or analytical thinking – the step-by-step approach – excludes imagination, intuition, feeling or humor.

"Innovation is not the product of logical thought, although the result is tied to logical structure." – Albert Einstein

Jazz of innovation



          SMART INNOVATION (Ten3 Mini-course)


Discover much more!


Be Different and Make a Difference!

5 Rules of Creative Thinking

Creative Problem Solving (CPS)

10 Secrets of Creativity

Asking Searching Questions

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Be Different and Make a Difference!

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The Fun Factor

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29 Obstacles To Innovation

Innovation-friendly Organization

Establishing Culture for Innovation

Creating a Culture of Questioning

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Freedom To Fail

The Jazz of Innovation

Value Innovation

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Advanced Systematic Inventive Thinking

  • Solve problems and invent new products in a way you never thought possible

  • Become a serial producer of bright ideas

  • Improve your quality of life by injecting creativity into everything you do



Six SMART & FAST Ten3 Mini-courses

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